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When you learn how these bed bug insects spread and prevent them from infesting your place, you can avoid getting bed bug bites. For sure, you want to know how bed bugs travel and spread.

Are bed bugs trying to trespass in your home? Do you ask yourself how bed bug infestations occur in your home? How do bed bugs spread easily? Where are these annoying bed bug insects commonly found?  Well, here is the answer to your questions.

You got what you want at this moment because you will read in this article all the answers you want to know about bed bug, and how they spread.

The list below explains how bed bugs spread from one place to another.



Areas Bed Bugs Usually Found

To learn how these pests spread, you should also be knowledgeable about where bed bugs are usually found. Bed bug insects are found in sleeping areas such as box springs and mattresses, bed frames, bedding, and linens; furniture like dressers, sofas, and couches; public spaces like public transportation seats and rooms of hotels and motels; retail and secondhand stores.

These annoying bed bug insects, like vampires that suck blood, can infest a number of habitats. Below are the typical areas where they are often seen.


They usually stay here because it is near to their source of food. They hide in the things that are connected to their hosts in order for them to have no difficulty in feeding themselves.

Box Spring and Mattresses – Bed bugs are often seen or live on mattresses and box springs. They can be found on folds, crevices, and seams of this item. They are also hiding between mattresses or under mattresses and box springs.

Bedding and Linens – Bed bugs can be found near bedding, including blankets, pillows, and bed sheets. They leave small dark blood stains on these items.

Bed Frames -Bed bugs are also found on joints and cracks of bed frames. Wooden frames with cracks and metal frames with screws or welds are especially vulnerable.

Want to know what is Bed Bugs Bite? Here is the article on how to Identify Bed Bug Bites.


Bed bugs love to thrive in these items more if they are made up of upholstery. It is hard for you to identify them in these things because they can hide themselves in the furs and foams of this furniture.

Sofa and Couches – Bed bugs can infest sofas and couches specially the cushion, seams and under the furniture. They can also hide in springs or wooden frameworks.

Dresser – Bed bugs can hide in drawers, behind or inside furniture near the bed. You may find them on cracks and small crevices of wooden furniture.


When there are cracks in your ceilings and walls, these areas are also bed bugs’ favorite habitat. They can easily reproduce in this area because this surface is hard to reach, which is why people cannot maintain it regularly.

Bed bugs can sometimes be located behind hanging walls, mirrors, and photographs, especially if there are fractures or holes in the walls. Bed bugs may travel between places through small gaps and crevices in walls, ceilings, and flooring.


These places where different people from different places come and go. It is truly hard for these hospitality industries to prevent bed bugs from infestations, because nobody knows if some of the guests is a bed bug carrier in their luggage and belongings, or the place itself is already infested.

Hotels and Motels – Bed bugs are frequently found in hotels and motels. They terminate other parts of the rooms, including bedding and upholstered furniture. Before checking in, guests are advised to check their lodging.

Public Transportation – Areas that are not regularly cleaned and inspected, especially buses, trains, and taxis, serve as environments where bed bugs ride on an individual’s passenger belongings.

Office Spaces – Bed bugs are found in upholstered office chairs, under desks, and among personal items in the workplace. You may spread them when your place is infested and carry them to work, or vice versa.


In buying secondhand furniture, you do not have the idea if the item is safe from bed bugs. This is a call for infestation if you will not inspect and medicate before bringing them inside your home.

Even in the workplace, you cannot avoid bed bugs spreading in these spaces, especially in the upholstered items, tables, and chairs. That is why it is also difficult to prevent the spread of bed bugs with these things.

  • Second-hand furniture’s seams, cushions, and cracks allow bed bugs to hide among mattresses, couches, and chairs.
  • Frequent inspections of sleeping areas, furniture, and public spaces are advised to determine whether a place is infested with bed bugs. Look for small blood stains, dark spots of fecal matter, and live insects.
  • Professional pest control is also advised; they can use solutions and effective strategies to get rid of bed bugs.
  • When traveling, keep your personal belongings elevated and away from infested areas. Inspect hotel rooms and public transportation for signs of bed bugs.
  • When buying secondhand items, carefully inspect them to see if they are infested with bed bugs before bringing them home.


Areas Bed Bugs Usually Found

There are several ways bed bugs can easily spread without being recognized. They are good hitchhikers through luggage, personal belongings, and clothes. Bringing these pests home without knowing is a call for bed bug spread. When you carry even one or two-bed bugs with you, they might reproduce and multiply, and then they can possibly spread and infest all over your place.

Having lack of maintenance in cleaning your place is also one of the ways bed bugs can spread because they can reproduce. When they reproduce, they multiply. When they multiply, they spread, and when they spread, this will lead you to a severe spread of infestations.

There are also things how bed bugs spread from one place to another:

  • Infested secondhand items that you brought inside your home without medicating and inspecting.
  • Accepting guests from vacation who do not know a bed bug carrier.
  • Furry pets that live with you inside the house. As they lie down and roll over the couches and beds, the bed bugs in their furs or skin will spread those things.
  • Living in a duplex house or apartments. When the other house is infested by bed bugs. The spread is prone because they can easily transfer and spread to the other connected house specially when the walling has cracks.


Having the knowledge on how to avoid the spread of bed bugs can give you relief, a peaceful mind, and a life far from bed bug discomfort.

Here are some steps you can follow to avoid bed bug spread:

  • When buying secondhand items, carefully inspect them to see if they are infested with bed bugs before bringing them home.
  • When you accept guests, assist them in putting their luggage and other belongings elevated from the floor and away from the bed to be safe from bed bug spreads and bed bug bites.
  • Giving regular baths and drying your pets every day will reduce the risk of being a bed bug carrier to prevent bed bug spread.
  • When you are living in a shared space, sealing all possible entry points for bed bugs is better to get rid of them from entering your house and spreading.
  • Frequent inspections of sleeping areas, furniture, and public spaces are advised to determine whether a place is infested with bed bugs. Look for small blood stains, dark spots of fecal matter, and live bed bugs.
  • Professional pest controllers are also advised they can use solutions and effective strategies to exterminate bed bugs.
  • When traveling, keep your personal belongings elevated and away from infested areas. Inspect hotel rooms and public transportation for signs of bed bugs.

You can prevent these Bed bugs by reading our article about Prevention for Bed Bugs to protect your family from being bitten.


Bed bugs are frequently discovered in places where they can easily hide and reproduce such as bedrooms, couches, and public areas. Early signs of bed bugs and detection are effective management, which will help in understanding and knowing where we can typically see bed bugs.

It is more beneficial if you know how bed bugs spread and travel so that you can prevent them from having infestations in your home. You will also know what to do when you are going to take a vacation in other places. This serves as your guide on how to be safe and get rid of bed bug infestations and bed bug bites.

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