Have you had difficulties getting rid of bed bugs in your home? Are you finding ways to get rid of them? Bed bugs are some individuals’ number one pest enemy, and they are challenging to wipe out. They can spread quickly and infest areas with high humidity and unmaintained cleanliness. This article can give you the ultimate guide to getting rid of bed bugs.
One of the two methods is the natural method of bed bugs. These solutions include essential oils, heat, and cold therapy, and cost-saving alcohol, as well as white powdered materials like diatomaceous earth, baking soda, and baby powder.
Chemical methods for bedbugs can be bought at hardware stores. This solution requires a mindful application and is used by professional pest control experts. It is very effective in getting rid of bed bugs. Chemical methods include pesticides such as insecticides, neonicotinoids, and pyrethroids.
There are two ways to get rid of bed bugs. In the house, we commonly use the NATURAL METHOD. When we discuss severe infestations, especially in the hospitality industry, we often prepare to use CHEMICAL METHOD for a sufficient and successful elimination.
Bed bugs can be hard to struggle with. However, meticulous cleaning and regularly inspecting their common hiding spots where are likely to hide are examples of how to get rid of bed bugs in your home quickly.
Dealing with bed bug bites can be bothersome, but with organized proceedings and home remedies, you can stay out of them. Visit our article about Bed Bugs Bite Home Remedy Treatment for more information.
Here are the two ways to get rid of bed bugs, plus more tips that can help in preventing bed bugs in your home.
We advise using this method to get rid of bed bugs in the house. Despite being safer, it is also cost-saving and more environmentally friendly.
Essential Oils
- Types -Tea tree oil, lavender oil, and eucalyptus oil are essential oils known for their insect-repelling properties.
Note: Avoid putting the essential oils in your eyes or spraying them near your utensils and other eating implements.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE)
- How to use – Spread food-grade diatomaceous earth in areas where bed bugs are suspected. It is a fine powder that dehydrates and kills insects.
Note: Wear a mask to avoid inhaling the dust. Leave it in place for at least a week before vacuuming it up.
Cold Treatment
- Freezing – Items that can be safely placed in a freezer should be frozen for at least4 days at 0°F (-18°C) to kill bed bugs and eggs.
Heat Treatment
- Steam Cleaning – Use a steam cleaner to apply high-temperature (above 120°F or 49°C) to infested areas, especially in their favorite places where they can reproduce and multiply quickly.
Baking Soda
- Application – Sprinkle baking soda on infested areas. Its desiccant properties help to dehydrate and kill bed bugs over time. Leave it for a few days, and then vacuum it up.
Baby Powder
- Application – Sprinkling baby powder in the cracks and crevices or other infested areas may help prevent bed bugs from moving from one place to another. Because of its talcum powder, it suffocates the bed bugs from going to another place until it is exterminated.
- This is also helpful in exterminating bed bugs. Because of its strong scent and alcohol compound, it dries out the outer waxy part of the bed bug until it is dehydrated, which leads to its extermination.
Note: If you want to get rid of bed bugs inside your home thoroughly, you need to identify first where the infestation is occurring. Because if you do not identify the main area where they are reproducing and multiplying, re-infestation is about to happen.
Identifying Infestation
You need to look for the infested area before you start to get rid of bed bugs. You have to make sure their presence is confirmed. There are signs of bed bugs that you can identify if the infestation is going on.
- Bites – On exposed skin, bed bug bites are usually seen. Their bites can be a bit upsetting, the same in physical and psychological. By resolving both the bites and the infestation itself, you can alleviate the prompt discomfort and avoid any issues.
- Stains – If dark spots on your mattress appear, it is possible to be feces from a bed bug. These are also evidence to their existence and can help in identifying an infestation.
- Exoskeleton – As they grow, bed bugs shed from their exoskeleton. It is also an important sign of an infestation. As they grow, they peel many times, changing their old exoskeletons to make way for bigger ones.
- Live Bugs – The size of an adult bed can be recognized easily when you compare it to an apple seed. You can notice it immediately with your naked eyes, with no doubt. They are flat and reddish-brown. This is the most clear evidence of an infestation in your home.
You should inspect in their usual hiding spots like:
- Box spring and mattress
- Headboards and bed frames
- Electric outlets and behind-wall hangings
- Baseboards and carpet edges.
- Contain The Infestation
Clean and Treat Affected Areas
It is a good thing when you clean first before you treat bed bug infestations inside your home to reduce the risk of spreading.
It is crucial to clean and treat affected places for bed bugs. Preventing and totally exterminating an infestation is needed.
- Launder bedding and Clothing – Wash all clothes, beddings, and other suspected infested items with hot water, then dry them at the possible highest temperature to make sure that all the living bugs are killed.
- Steam Treatment – Using a steam cleaner to clean the mattress, furniture, and other infested items can also kill bed bugs and their eggs.
- Encasing Mattress and Box Springs – To prevent your mattress and box springs from infesting new ones, Use bug-proof encasements to trap any existing bed bugs.
When you say chemical method, it means that chemicals and pesticides are applied in this extermination. You can use the chemicals or pesticides that are appropriate for exterminating bed bugs at home, but you need to follow the correct instructions on how to apply these chemicals.
You can read below the steps on how to use these chemicals to get rid of bed bugs in your home:
- You need to read it carefully so that you can manage to apply it in the correct way from the very beginning.
- Be sure that you are wearing a face mask and gloves when applying these chemicals to avoid any harm especially in breathing.
- Command your family members to stay out of the house before you apply chemicals to treat infestations.
- Lastly, you should stay out of the house for approximately 10-12 hours to prevent your kids from smelling the chemical scents of the pesticides used to prevent them from any harm.
Better conduct this solution during the hours where kids are in the school, and others are at work in order to be sure that nobody is around the house.
Apply Pesticides
If you want an effective killing of bed bugs, use pesticides, but it should be used with a lot of care and as a part of a unified pest control plan. Using pesticides to control a bed bug infestation can be an effective part of your technique, but it should be done with a lot of care and proper application to ensure safety and success.
- Choose the Right Pesticides -You should search for the products mainly labeled for bed bugs. These can include insecticides, neonicotinoids, pyrethroids or other bed bug common components.
- Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids & Neonicotinoids – These chemicals are synthetic and mimic natural insecticides found in chrysanthemum flowers. They may not work in all insect populations, as some bed bugs have developed resistance. But they are still effective against bed bugs.
There are also ways you should remember before using these chemicals:
- Consider Integrated Pest Management (IPM) – Chemical solutions should be part of a broader way that includes non-chemical methods like vacuuming, steam cleaning, and encasing mattresses and box springs.
- Read and Follow Label Instructions – Ensure you use the products according to the manufacturer’s guidelines for safety and effectiveness.
Maintain Cleanliness
You can reduce bed bug infestation in your home when you maintain a clean and organized surrounding. It is also a critical step in preventing bed bug infestations. Bed bugs are infested in cluttered places where they can hide themselves and reproduce, so a clean and ordered place helps lessen their hiding spots and makes it easier to identify and mark possible problems.
- Declutter – If you reduce your clutter in the house, you are minimizing the counts of hiding spots possible for bed bugs. Make your space tidy. Throw all the items that you do not need any longer.
- Regular Cleaning – Focusing on the places that bed bugs are commonly nesting needs a regular cleaning and vacuuming. These are needed techniques for conducting, managing, preventing, controlling and exterminating bed bugs.
Exterminating bed bugs needs a lot of care and detailed and frequent combinations of methods. By succeeding in the steps indicated above, you can successfully fight a bed bug issue and lessen the chances of ahead infestations. Always put in your mind that determination in the answer, and on the other hand, professional help may be required to have bed bug-free surroundings.
Look For Professional Assistance
For extreme infestation, DIY procedure can be helpful, but it cannot guarantee that it can give you a 100 percent efficient outcome. It is good to ask a pest control professional. They can give more complete removal options and make sure that all possible hiding spots are addressed. It is a bit demanding and seeking professional help is common the most successful way to conduct an infestation.
For the effective extermination of bed bugs in your home, it is critical to combine brief cleaning, appropriate methods and preventive measures on how to avoid having bed bug infestations. Following all the said above ways will give you the best result that you ever expected in your daily living.